Fixed Bootstrap Freelancer Release

So I thought this was broken, but it turns out that it wasn’t really broken just some missing things. The first problem was that content only had the ability to display tags on posts and projects. This was a rather simple fix, which was to introduce another loop before the tags section to go through the categories of the content. I used the same method as I did for the tags, however used a different standard bootstrap colour for the pills.

The next issue was that when viewing all categories or tags, there was no real content, with broken hero images. This could have been solved by providing templates for these sections. However, I felt that the theme was doing the correct thing inline with the look and feel of the theme. Therefore I’ve just provided examples of tag and category pages within the example site as having details descriptions of tags and categories with a hero image for the item is a nicer way to go and is rather fitting for the theme.

These changes have all been applied and the theme released to a new version on GitHub at release 1.1.0

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Maven and Java 21 ↦