Workspace Update February 2025

So I have some sort of a plan for the office, it’s going to take a while to do and there is a lot to measure and order in but first what does it look like at the moment.

Entire Workspace Overview

It obviously very small, these three images cover the entire office, and there’s a lot of overlap. The first thing that jumps out is that it’s very white, and also that’s a lot of bricks. It’s also very cold feeling, it’s not actually code, it just feels code if that makse sense. So here is how it’s going to be addressed.

First the floor, I’m going to fit PVC titles which will ocver the concrete floor, and make the finish look better. This will also allow me to clean the room easier as cleaning concrete is difficult and the chair and general usage is bringing up the paint. There has to be an expansion gap around the floor, so this will be covered with a simple skirting board, just to bring it all together. This will also cover the gaps in the stud wall and the floor, so all nice finishing touches.

Wall coverings up next, the wall that has the white board on, I’m thinking of putting up some interial wooden cladding. This is to add a different texture and pattern which isn’t a block. Then once that’s in then it can be painted any colour as there’s a wider varity of wood paint than there is masonary paint. The white board will be placed back on the cladding. The stud wall is fine, however it will be repainted in something other than white. The next wall that has issues is that of the wall that I face all day. The plan here is to actually do nothing to the wall apart from hang a few black skadis boards on the wall which is an attempt to break the wall up, to stop it being too brick like. I feel that some bricks showing through is a nice texture change and those being white I don’t think will bother me so much. It’s going to be a case to see how it looks, as all other alternatives are either destructive, messy or rather expensive.

Storage is the next thing on the list, so where the skadis boards are on the stud wall, there is room, but design for another skadis board alongside them. I’m rather invested in the skadis system, as I have 3D printers and there’s a large community out there designing mounts for skadis, also it’s rather to design my own for it. Where the Prusa Mini is at the moment, under that is a large open space. The plan when the desk was built was to place a little spare fridge under there. This plan has since changed as it’s not needed. So I’m going to build some workshop style draws in that space, as it’s not much use as anything else. The door is going to have a wooden backing adding to it, so I can hand some heavier stuff to it, for example my little ladder which I’m going to need from time to time, along with my workshop vacum cleaner. They are bulky items, and still need to be readily on hand in order to use them otherwise I won’t as I’m lazy. Finally on the storage front, is where the Prusa Mini is located. I want to build a cupboard that reaches the ceiling. This will have three doors on it, which will allow me to store two 3D printers in this space, with the benefit of them being enclosed for better operation and making them queiter. The final little cupboard section at the top, hasn’t been allocated a role yet, however it would be a waste not to add a little storage there.

Last but not least, is the finishing touches. First the desk, I want to add a nice cover to it, as it can get dirty and stain easily. I need to be able to dust and wipe it clean easily, so my thought is to simply add a vinyl cover to the top. This should solve the problem, it’s cheap, replacable and simple. The around the top of the room some moldings to bring the ceiling and wall textures together, as well as adding a new light, as at the moment I just have a normal bulb fitting.

All of the above are ideas, and will change as new issues arise and other ideas are discovered.

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