2025 Starts With a Rut

So this year has started badly. This time last month I had plans to work and complete a few projects by the end of the year. Along with this the project list has gotten longer and longer as I come up with ideas. Always coming up with ideas and never completing them, or in most cases not even starting them. I think it’s safe to say that I’m stuck in a rut, even gotten to the point where I watch others on YouTube working on their projects when I could and should be working on mine. It hasn’t been a question of time, I’ve had the time, I’ve just used it poorly or wasted the time, yes it’s free time, but when I waste the time, I look back and feel guilty about it.

The project list stays the same, with no progress on any of them, however I’m going to focus on the office / workspace / garage. I want to make it a better space to work. I mentioned this in the previous post, and the more I think about it the more I want to tackle this first, as I don’t feel great in it, I want something more. Also it’s just chaos at the moment, so what I’ve done is clear the space out, and now is the time to sort it.

That’s it for this post, just wanted to provide a little update and a note to myself as to why when I look back later in the year there’s an explaination, or more of an excuse as to why I’m at where I’m at.

↤ Thinking About 2025
Workspace Update February 2025 ↦