Night Sky Pi February 2024 Update
Quick update on the Night Sky Pi project for the end of February 2024. Not as much as I’d like but it’s still progress.
Quick update on the Night Sky Pi project for the end of February 2024. Not as much as I’d like but it’s still progress.
Plan for a project to allow all Night Sky Pi cameras to send data to, this is ground control. Written with Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, and Bootstrap for simplicity.
So I’ve gone ahead and created another Hugo theme, it reached the point where I couldn’t override the smigle theme to be what I wanted. So I’ve forked it and made the changes I wanted, it’s now even more stripped down. The front end is not my thing.
I host this site on Netlify which is a great choice for static sites, and I have the source code on GitHub. This is how I have the site updated using GitHub actions.
Introducing the Night Sky Pi project that I’m going to be starting. In this post I’ll be writing the requirements that I have in mind, and how I plan to complete the project.
Wanted to start the new year with an update on my current workspace. It’s getting there, there is still plenty to do. This is the first update so it will be a little longer than the future editions. So I’ll also go over the plan and some construction work done.
Sharing my experience, process, and results for attempting to reduce the noise levels of my Prusa Mini 3D printer using shock-absorbing feet, a paving slab, and Styrene foam.
Spent a while printing calibration cubes, trying to remove some annoying print issues, although not structural I know the quality can be better. Here I record what I did to attempt to improve the quality and the results.
On the 2nd of December I attended my first RepRap Festival, it was hosted in Oxford and was organized by the Sanjay Mortimer Foundation. I didn’t know what to expect and went with an open mind.
Considering the changes that I wanted to make to my website theme, I forked it and started making changes. I should have just read the readme file and saved some time. This seems like a lesson learned, the problem is I keep learning this lesson.