What I Learnt Today (ctl+l)
Through a chain of events and then a random typo, I’ve learnt a new thing that helps me 30 times a day which I can’t believe I didn’t know before.
Through a chain of events and then a random typo, I’ve learnt a new thing that helps me 30 times a day which I can’t believe I didn’t know before.
Trying to use the Raspberry Pi 5 as a daily driver. My initial thoughts after a couple of weeks of usage and why I’m doing it.
Continue to battle moisture within the Night Sky Pi. Getting the sensors configured, code written and deployed. Hoping that I’ll be able to gather enough data to make an informed decision on how best to remove the moisture problem.
Finding the Loughton Astronomical Society, my initial thoughts and looking forward to becoming a member.
The Night Sky Pi has been running for a while in the garden and while the software has been working fine, it’s become apparent that moisture in the air is an issue.
An initial test release of Night Sky Project is currently running and should be tagged soon. Here is an update on some of the changes and functionality.
The printer has been sitting idle for a few weeks. I’ve gone to print some more Raspberry Pi cases using some silk PLA and there appear to be issues with the first layer.
This isn’t usually recommended however I do have a use case for having to delete all commit and version history in a git repository.
I have decided to transition away from GitHub. Upon reflection, I have begun to question its alignment with Open Source principles and seek a more compatible alternative.
There has been some progress on the workspace. I’ve decided instead of having racks of computers, I’m using IKEA and 3D printers.