Night Sky Pi Released
I’m very please to state that I feel that the Night Sky Pi project has reached a point where it’s got to release 1.0.0. This might not seem like much but it’s doing what I want it to do and feel that it’s really ready for others to use. To get to version 1.0.0 there were a series of requirements that it had to achieve.
- capture images from sunset till sunrise
- store the images in a folder for the observation date
- ensure that the exposure is within a given range and recalculate the settings if required
- store meta data for the image in a JSON file
- zip the entire directory up ready for sending off device
- integrate with MQTT to publish events at key moments
- delete old observations after a number of days
- all of the above being configurable
All of these requirements have been checked off and along with the requirements the coverage is a reasonable level and sonar quality gates have been passed. The next stage of development is possibly small bug fixes if they arise and then creating modules for the Night Sky Pi to complete other actions that I deem outside the scope of image capture. The first modules being the nsp-ntfy and nsp-data-sender.