Maven and Java 21
I have a project that I’m working on soon, that’s going to be a Java Spring Boot application, I know you wouldn’t think that I’m a Java developer looking at most of my repositories. I’ve not actually set up Maven and Java on this machine yet so I thought I’d document it while I go along. It’s worth noting that I’m not using the version of maven within the distribution repositories as it’s a little outdated, and I’m going to be using an Oracle JDK which is how this set up differs from standard.
First I’m going to need a Java JDK, I’ve choosen to use an Oracle JDK and Java 21. It’s simple to get, just use wget to download the file, then install the .deb.
Now that Java is installed and the version displayed is correct I can move on to installing Maven, which is basically the same method, not using apt get but getting the binaries and installing them.
This will set up maven on the system, however it’s not on the path next I’ll append the following lines my bash profile.
Then reload the profile.
Now to test that everything is working as expected we should have maven display it’s version with the correct JDK.
Maven and Java 21 are now configured on my system and I can now start my Java Spring Boot project. 👍